Plaid Perfection Luxury Handbag
Plaid Perfection Luxury Handbag
Add a touch of timeless sophistication to your wardrobe with our Plaid Perfection Luxury Handbag. Made of genuine leather and with meticulous attention to detail, it features a striking plaid pattern and rotating metal lock for security and modern elegance. The spacious interior provides ample room for all your essentials, making it perfect for everyday use. Look and feel your best with our Plaid Perfection Luxury Handbag.
Designed by CLOTHERN
Very happy that the unit came in fast and the seller is super responsive. For the most part it looks just like pictures. It is made of a light material (probably not real leather) so it feels light to carry. It is just big enough for me to carry my essentials (tablet, phone, small wallet, keys, lipstick/gloss/lip balm). BUT...The inside is made of this weird cheap plastic (feels like a grocery bag) and the unit I received came missing the strap and fob pieces. Believe me I checked, thoroughly for them! This is perfect for an everyday bag that can be tossed around. You won't get too upset if it gets scuffed or nibbled on by kids and pets. But I wouldn't leave it in the car on a hot summer day!
Received the product and liked it. The only boring thing was the customs retention for tax and payment of the product.
It's pretty and good.
Very good quality wallet, very beautiful and acceptable size